Variable reference |
PAD_COLOR | Color of metal pads |
BODY_COLOR | Color of plastic body |
LABEL_COLOR | Color of labels and logo |
LABEL1 | 1st line of device label; if not defined, label is not displayed |
LABEL_POS1 | Relative position from center |
LABEL_SIZE1 | Label size |
LABEL2 | 2nd line of device label; if not defined, label is not displayed |
LABEL_POS2 | Relative position from center |
LABEL_SIZE2 | Label size |
LABEL3 | 3rd line of device label; if not defined, label is not displayed |
LABEL_POS3 | Relative position from center |
LABEL_SIZE3 | Label size |
LOGO | Logo outline, defined as set of X Y pairs, separated by comma: X1 Y1, X2 Y2, … ; if not defined, logo is not displayed |
LOGO_POS | Relative position of logo from center |
LOGO_SCALE | Scale of label |
soic.pl [-?] [-d] N L P W H T A B K
-?,--help - this help screen
-d,--debug - display debug coordinates and planes,
include debug info into output file
N - Number of pins
L - Width
P - Pitch
W - Width of pad
H - Height
T - Toe length
A - Body width
B - Body height
K - Elevation